It is evident that solar panels use sunlight to produce electricity. This electricity is then converted into electrical energy to power electronic equipment.
However, solar panels won’t produce useful results if they are not installed correctly. A solar panel stand is necessary for the proper installation of solar panels.
A solar panel stand is also known as a solar panel holding stand, panel stand, mounting structure, and solar stand. It supports the panel framework and holds the solar panels in place on building facades, rooftops, and even the ground.
There are many types of solar stands. Let us find out more about each one of them.
5 Types Of Solar Mounting Structures
Each photovoltaic solar panel system is different from the other. The unique construction and the usage of the mounting structures set them apart.
Additionally, this means that every solar panel will need a distinct installation method for a successful solar panel installation.
Because of this, the manufacturers have created five solar mounting systems to meet various requirements.
Here are some useful types of solar stands for effective solar panel installation.
1. Top-of-Pole Mounted Racks
These mounting structures anchor the solar panels on poles. This structure is fixed to the ground and installed on the pole. Their distinct design prevents dirt, snow, or leaves from building up on the surface.
Such mounting structures are common in public areas and can adjust to different shapes. However, they can be challenging to clean.
2. Side-of-Pole Mounted Racks
The side-of-pole mounted racks are another variant of pole mounts. In this type, the support is placed on the side of the pole and consists of small modules.
This solar panel stand is a better option in places where remote solar lighting systems are used.
3. Roof Mounted Racks
Roof-mounted racks are solar stands designed to fit on a rooftop. They can be adjusted to fit the needs of the solar panels and hold their weight.
The best part about this type of stand is that it uses unused space and does not require extra accommodation. Besides, the material cost required for the installation is low.
4. Ground Mounted Racks
Moving on, ground-mounted racks are a commonly used mounting structure. Multiple modules can be installed utilising this type of solar stand simultaneously on the ground.
Installation is risk-free, and no roof penetration is necessary. Nevertheless, you will require more room to accommodate this solar stand.
5. Tracking System Mounted Racks
This adjustable solar stand may be utilised in solar water pumping and tracking systems. It has further two types: One-axis and Two-axis.
The former measures the sun’s motion, whereas the latter employs PV concentration systems and tracks the sun’s daily and seasonal path.
You can select the preferred type from the above-mentioned list based on your needs and requirements.
Benefits Of Using A Solar Panel Stand
Different solar mounting structures offer different benefits. Let’s look at them one by one!
Ground Mount
- It cools down quickly
- No roof penetration is needed
- It is easy to maintain
- This solar panel stand offers safe installation
- It provides a great energy output
Pole Mount
- You can adjust it easily
- It requires a small footprint
- It is easy to install with a sun tracking system
- It fits seamlessly in outdoor spaces
Roof Mount
- It has a low installation cost
- It does not require many materials for installation
If made with proper metals and galvanised with zinc, the roof-mounted solar stands are probably the best options. If they’re prefabricated using state-of-the-art technology, there’s apparently no match.
Components Used In The Construction Of a Solar Panel Mounting System
Manufacturers use four elements when constructing a solar panel mounting system with a solar panel stand.
All these elements fasten the different components of a solar panel system and help the solar panels stay firm. Let’s know about them in detail!
- Mounting Clamps
Only when solar panels are connected can they form a fully-functional solar panel system.
Hence, the mounting clamp is essentially used to combine the solar panels using clamps. The clamps are positioned using set screws.
- Mounting Strut Channel
The mounting strut channel is another element utilised in constructing a solar panel stand.
You can use this strut channel in conjunction with clamps and other fixtures. Steel metal is used in the making of a mounting strut channel.
- Mounting Screw
Without a mounting screw, you will not get sufficient energy.
Here’s why: The mounting screw’s position and the array’s angle determine how much sunlight a solar panel can absorb. The screws maintain the panels’ stability and prevent energy loss.
- Mounting Brackets
Last but not least, solar panel mounting brackets are used to hold the solar array in place.
Generally, these are composed of aluminium or stainless steel. They are easy to install and disassemble.
A solar panel stand is essential to mount solar panels in such a way that the panels can draw maximum energy from the sun’s rays during the daytime.
The panels cannot receive full solar irradiation without proper solar mounting structures.
Apart from being a backbone to the solar panels, a solar panel stand enhances the power generation ability and helps the panels in handling harsh weather conditions.
These structures come with high durability, reduced cost, and fitting ease. All these reasons make a solar panel stand vital for successful solar panel installation.
Try finding prefabricated mounting structures though. There’s no match when a solar mounting structure is prefabricated.
Q. What materials are used to fix the solar panels to the roof?
A solar panel stand and other roofing materials like clamps, mounting rails, and roof anchors are used to fix solar panels to the roof of a house.
While mounting rails are generally made of aluminium, the other elements are composed of stainless steel. The type you choose will depend on the type of roof you have.
Q. Is it possible to mount a solar panel stand in the parking lot?
Generally, a solar panel stand is used for rooftop solar installation. However, with the advancement of technology today, it can also be mounted in parking areas and corridors.
Depending on the energy required and the property setting, you can install the solar system stand appropriately.
Q. Is there a specific direction for mounting solar panels?
Yes. If you want them to produce maximum power, the direction matters. True south is the ideal direction to mount solar panels on a solar stand.
This direction allows the solar panels to receive maximum sunlight throughout the day.